Jul 5, 2009

HUMMER hanging on: Tengzhong in talks with Chinese government to clear sale

Chinese National Radio recently reported that Tengzhong wouldn't be allowed to purchase Hummer due to environmental concerns. The company released a statement after that news broke saying that while there was no "definitive agreement," the CNR report wasn't based on facts from the government regulatory body in question, and Tengzhong is still working on the deal.

Last week, in a report titled "Tengzhong may get green light from the regulators for its acquisition of Hummer," CNR's take on where things appears to back up Tengzhong's view that the game is not yet played. The company's discussions with the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the Ministry of Commerce -- it needs approval from both parties -- have begun, and three options for concluding a deal were proposed.

If Tengzhong can convince the authorities of its expertise and business blan, and gets approval from both parties, it wants to set Hummer up in Sichuan province. If there is resistance to setting Hummer up directly, Tengzhong could try to base the company in one of China's ten bonded areas -- harbor points where the vehicles aren't officially "in" the country until taxes and fees are paid -- but this could impact the company's ability to sell Hummers in China. Or, the company could simply become a foreign investor in Hummer.

It isn't clear whether those options are Tengzhong's take on the purchase, or if that was just more speculation from CNR. Hummer had no comment on the matter.

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